Since 2000, I've been renovating, decorating and enjoying
Le Petit Rêve, otherwise known as the Cute French House (it really
is cute!). I hope you'll join the dozens of people who've spent
their French vacation here -- please e-mail me or phone me if you
have any questions about the house or the area. (I'm in the USA's
Pacific time zone, eight hours behind GMT.)
Le Petit Rêve
Christine Kent
Click here to e-mail
USA 01-510-601-6789
A very special thanks to Jonathan Mandel of Checkerbox
Photography, who took almost all of the beautiful pictures for
this site, allowed me to steal his HTML, and can dissect chickens
just like a Frenchman. Also thanks to my mom, Patricia Kent, who
painted the lovely picture of Le Petit Rêve at the top of this page,
and my dad, Al Kent, who slapped the house into shape during a week-long
renovation trip.